Keys & Co. Virtual

offering all virtual lessons, classes and performances

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our approach

We believe in our students! We teach because we want to share our love for music; our greatest priority is to engage and inspire our students so that they want to play and practice.

Sincerity of musical expression is our goal for every student at Keys & Co., with technical proficiency a close second.

While our approach is rooted in the tradition of classical piano pedagogy, at Keys & Co., we are proud to defy the stereotype of the “ruler on the wrist” piano teacher.

We stand by our belief in the need for positive, constructive feedback, and we maintain an open channel of communication between teacher and student.

Above all, we celebrate diversity and encourage individuality, always.

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Students taking private lessons at Keys & Co. can choose to pay ‘by lesson’ or on a monthly basis.

All students taking private lessons receive one private lesson each week, as well as one 10-minute practice check-in, scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays.

We offer 30-minute lessons for beginning students, as well as 45- and 60-minute lessons for intermediate to advanced students.

Keys & Co. offers a 10% discount for students who pay for one or more months of tuition at the time of enrollment and within the first week of each subsequent month.

For more information on pricing, visit our tuition page.